SHANGHAI WELIKE RELOCATION & LOGISTICS CO.,LTD. is an local moving and relocation company specializing
in household goods being moved door to door across China and throughout the world.We are through membership in I.A.M
and affiliated with more than 500 global partners providing worldwide coverage.Welike Moving provides a complete array of
destination services including, but not limited to home search,orientation programs and Visa/Immigration services.
Our Mission: Let's make moving better.
Our Vision: Leading household goods moving and the third party logistics service supplier.
Our Values:Business Integrity and Customer Experience.
We are constantly working on providing our customers with a great service at great value. If you have any comments or suggestions please let us know.
WELIKE MOVING(威连货运)面向**终端客户,跨国公司,领事馆提供私人物品国际运输服务的物流服务供应商。将私人物品国际运输服务推向终端化,零售化,并励志于成为**成员之一的私人物品运输服务供应商。我们将根据客户不同的需求提供适合的,安全的,*的物流解决方案。同时我们更加注重商业诚信和客户体验,杜绝一切在物流服务中的不恰当行为,以客户满意度为中心。我们的服务包含但不限于以下,**搬家,私人物品国际运输,涉外房产租赁,私人汽车进出口,宠物运输,第三方物流(仓储&配送),签证服务。
(1)家庭、私人物品国际运输 Household Goods & Personal Effects Transportation
(2)国际、国内、市内搬家 International、Domestics & Local Move
(3)**包装 Professional Packing Service
(4)办公室搬迁 Office Moving Service
(5)仓储及其他物流服务 Storage & Other Logistics Service
(6)办公室居家再布置 Relocation Service
(7)报关清关服务 Customs Declaration & Customs Clearance
(8)第三方物流 The third party logistics
主要市场 |
欧美,澳新,加拿大,日韩,港澳台。 |
经营范围 |
公司主要经营私人物品运输,国际搬家,仓储,配送。, 私人物品国际运输服务,国际搬家服,第三方物流。 |